Benefit’s For MSME’s

1. Non-Financial Benefits

2. Financial Benefits

Non-Financial Benefits:

  1. Efficient operations and reduced expenses
  2. Enhanced quality, fewer rejections, and increased revenue
  3. Greater environmental and social advantages
  4. Reliable recognition in the industry for global customers looking to invest in India
  5. Reputation as a Responsible Enterprise

Financial Benefits:

1. Subsidy on Certification

The Quality Council of India (QCI) offers subsidies covering all three levels of certification costs. This provides a remarkable opportunity for Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) to register and benefit from significantly reduced certification expenses. To know about the subsidies in details, Kindly visit this page: ( )

2. Financial Support for Testing/Systems/Product Certification

ZED certified companies can avail themselves of financial assistance for testing systems and product certification. The certification scheme reimburses up to 75% of the cost of testing or certification fees, with a maximum ceiling subsidy of INR 50,000.
The certificates should be issued by an accredited agency like NABL, NABCB, or BIS. A video called “Benefits series 1” has been released that explains the step-by-step process to avail up to INR 50,000 reimbursements on quality certification.
The entire process is digitalized, paperless, and the money is transferred directly to the bank account if the criteria are met.

3. Subsidy on handholding:

If an MSME is bronze certified and wants to go to the next level – silver or gold, QCI-approved consulting organizations provide hand-holding support with trained and certified consultants.
They will work with the MSME for four months and support them to achieve the next level. Up to INR 2,00,000 subsidy is provided to avail this handholding support.

4. Subsidy for technology upgrade in Zero Effect Solutions :

While upgrading from bronze to silver or gold, if technology upgrades are suggested and implemented, such as upgraded machinery, the cost, up to INR 3,00,000, can be reimbursed.

5. Concession from Ministry of Railways

ZED Certified companies on selected routes are given concession and subsidies on freight charges and Parcel charges by the ministry of railways.

6. Concession from Banks

Thirteen Banks recognize the ZED Scheme and give subsides, concessions, or waivers on loan processing fees and interest rate reduction.

7. Credit Bureaus

Credit Bureaus are incorporating ZED certification as a parameter in the rating criteria, So ZED Certified companies get additional marks, which boost their credit rating.

8. State Incentives

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